

Life Again

Life follows destruction again in Genesis 19 as it did in Genesis 9.

Lot and his two daughters have escaped the destruction of the plain. How will Lot have descendants now? Lot's daughters get him drunk and have sex with him to become pregnant. From them come the people of Moab and the people of Ammon. Ridiculing these people's birth was a way to despise these enemies of Israel. This episode also shows that Abraham is the chosen one while Lot seeks to survive.

Abraham faces a problem he faced before: A king wants his wife. Once again Abraham claims the woman is his sister. Once again, God rescues Abraham's wife. The King has a dream and in the dream God is a judge that tells him who Sarah is. He is exonerated of blame but not of consequences... King Abimelech fears the God of Abraham and has a conversation with Abraham who intercedes with God for the King's forgiveness. Abimelech fears and trusts God and Abraham mistrusts his God but Abraham is the Prophet and his intercession is successful.

Then life is created: God gives a son to Abraham and Sarah...

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