

Three Men...

One afternoon, we are told that three men come to Abraham, who's dozing under an oak tree at Mamre, near Hebron. Called angels, that is to say: messengers of God, the text in Genesis 18 claims that it was God himself that appeared there.

Was it God with other members of the Council of Heaven? Was it the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost? Was other messengers from above? No-one knows.

The narrative however fosters differences between Abraham and these "men". Indeed, Abraham is sleeping when the men are approaching. Then Abraham runs around to be a good host and offer a good meal to these travellers who are now still and silent.

The meal gets served. The men eat under the oak tree, Abraham waiting on them. Then one of the three men asks about Sarah. "She's in the tent". The man then reveals that he will be back and find Sarah with a son. Sarah overhears that and laughs to herself in her tent. An old woman with a baby? The messenger asks Abraham how come his wife laughed. Why is she doubting? Sarah comes out of the tent. A bit afraid, she pretends she did not laugh.

The Lord has all these people laughing, but he reiterates his promise: She will have a son.

Great work.
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