


Ishmael is now 13. Abraham believes he's the son God had promised. But God appears to Abraham to make another covenant with him and inform him that the blessings he had promised are not related to Ishmael but to another son that will be born of him and Sarah. Although Abraham is face down on the dust, as a mark of utter respect and reverence for the Lord, he laughs. How could he, an old man, and his old wife have a child now? But God tells him to name the unborn child Isaac, which means "He laughs".

As for the covenant, it is the circumcision. This part of the text is deemed to be a later extension of the story, probably written when the Israelites were deported. With no land and no temple, the circumcision was the sole mark of their identity. The practise was widespread in the ancient Near-East but not in all nations there. Scholars think that this ritual, as well as the feast of Passover were inserted into the Patriarchs' lives in order to reinforce the link between Israel and their forefathers.

In the text, God informs Abraham that Ishmael wil be greatly blessed with his offspring, but he, Abraham, will be father of many great nations, and kings will be among his descendants. God changes his and his wife's name: Abram and Sarai, as they were known until then, will now be called: Abraham, "Father of a multitude" and Sarah, "Princess".

After 23 years since God first promised Abraham land and offspring, a miracle is about to happen... I think that God's timing is sometimes puzzling, but his unconditional love and any of his promises are never to be doubted...

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