

Father Abraham

There was a man called Thera, who, although commanded to go west, settled en route in Mesopotamia. God then spoke to Thera's son, Abraham, familiar to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, telling him to leave his kin and his land, to go some place God had decided to give him and his descendants.

The well-known stories of Abraham and his wife Sarah are said to come from different traditions sewn together and edited in episodes taking a few chapters of Genesis.

Other people got scattered across the Earth, and God allowed them to become nations, but God himself chose a land for this man and the future nation of Israel, a nation apart from the rest.

The first episode found in our Bibles is the one in which Abraham is called to journey to Canaan with his wife, his nephew Lot and their servants. God tells Abraham that all people on Earth will be blessed through him. The route these people follow corresponds to the one that will be followed when their descendants invade the same land under the leadership of Joshua, after the death of Moses and a long long time erring in the desert.

Speaking of the desert, there is an episode in which Abraham and Sarah go dwell in Egypt because of a famine in Canaan. Pharao wants to make Sarah his wife but God won't allow it and sends some plagues. So, Pharao gives treasures to Abraham, summing him to depart at once.

One can't but see the shadow of the time Abraham's descendants will be slaves in Egypt. Then too will God send plagues against Pharao, and make his people start their long Exodus to the Promised Land through the leadership of Moses.

Genesis indicates that Abraham was a powerful man: Back to Canaan, there's an episode in which Abraham and friends defeat neighbouring cities' leaders. This time he doesn't count on a man's treasures, like he did in Egypt. He got the lesson. This time, Abraham puts his trust in his God. In return, he is blessed by the King Priest of [Jeru]Salem. Another symbol, since King David will also be a Priest in Jerusalem.

Later, Abraham and his nephew Lot part because their herdsmen can't settle disputes. Abraham lets his nephew choose the part of the land he wants. Abraham was entitled to choose first, but he lets his nephew select the green and fertile land and leave the desertified part to his uncle.

Abraham takes a look at all the land around him... He follows God's direction and walks and walks... Deep in his heart, Abraham knows the Most High is working to give him this land. He knows God is taking care of things for him. God speaks with him in his dreams. The Creator tells him that all the land, as far as he can see, will belong to his descendants.

And Abraham trusts the Lord, although he's getting old and has no child...

In the end, he gets a child, right?

In the end in the Book of Job, Job gets his health and house back, a new wife, etc. as a reward for faith.

I happened to do my Masters thesis on Job. According to the scholarship (I was at the U of Chicago, one of our top divinity schools, so I'm confident that what I learned there was sound stuff), that happy ending, so to speak, was added on centuries later by a different author.

So the original ending had God speaking to Job from out of the whirlwind and over-awing him into shutting up and not complaining with lines like "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the world?"

Btw, thanks for the link which I just noticed - I'll add you to my blog roll next time I update, definitely this month -
Thanks, Paul. I'd love to read your comments whenever you feel like adding some. I added your blogs to my favourites some time ago and will go back again!

However, this entry was about Abraham, not Job. And yeah, Abraham will get a son in the end, I'm just adding these entries very very slowly...
Oh, now I recognize your signature, must have lost track of your URL between blogs...
Abraham was not only a man of faith, he was indeed a man of vision!
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