

It Rained - And Then It Rained -

One week after God shut the Ark's door, "the underground waters burst forth on the earth, and the rain fell in mighty torrents from the sky. 40 days and 40 nights of rain", as God had told Noah.

The ark rose above the water. The hilltops were all covered and after the rain stopped, the earth was covered with water for another 150 days.

Then "God remembered Noah", as he would later remember other Patriarchs after their ordeals, and the water started to recede.

5 months after the beginning of the flood, the ark rested on a mountain top in the Ararat range, to the Biblical writer the highest peak in the world.

2 months and a half after, other hilltops appeared. "Another 40 days, Noah opened the window he had made in the ark and released a raven that flew back and forth until the earth was dry". He then sent a dove that found the land dry after 3 weeks of going back and forth. The Roman author Pliny, in the 1st century CE, tells of Indian sailors who release birds, so as to follow them as they turn toward land in "Natural History 6.83".

Noah later looked out the window: The land around the ark was dry indeed. It was the first day of the first month. The land was like it was on the day of creation.

Another 2 months went by and finally, after over 10 months spent with the animals in the ark, in almost total darkness, God ordered Noah to leave the Ark. The animals came out, and so did Noah and his family...

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