

The Comic Book

A friend sent me a link thinking I'd be interested in The Religious Affiliation of Comic Book Characters. It's a well-done site full of information. It's incredible all that is available on the net! If you are not into comics, just take a look at their essentials page here.

Hey, thanks for your nice comment again.

When the Protestant Reform started because of those who felt they had toi distance themselves from the Pope's decrees and get back to the Bible, it was done with more or less intensity.

England decided to adopt a compromise, and is halfway between Catholicism and "hardline" Protestantism that accepts only the Bible and rejects everything that looks Catholic. This compromise Church is known as Episcopalian.

That's a very simplified explanation but that gives you the idea.

Ever read the Sandman by Neil Gaiman? That's the only comic book (or graphic novels) that I read and I love it!
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