

The Fall of Man

The Fall as explained in Genesis has been used and misued over the centuries to control men and women and to explain all the evils in the world. The Bible however does not make such claims and we actually know very little about the Fall.

The Bible does not hold women responsible for Evil like some had it! Reliefs on European medieval churches even went as far as representing the serpent with women features! The Bible certainly does not say that sex was the original sin, since God commanded the man and the woman to have sex and replenish the land! Yet that theme is often used in today's songs or ads.

The Bible does not even say that the man and the woman would have never died hadn't they taken of the tree.

Speaking of the tree, its fruit may have been any fruit and not necessarily an apple!

These ideas all came later for some reason or another, namely erroneous translations and the cons of man. Furthermore, the Bible does not say that the serpent was in fact Satan. This is what Christians believe the New Testament texts clarified regarding the matter.

Genesis tells us that God had given the man and the woman a garden to dwell in and to cultivate and live from. Now, there were two trees in the garden that were not supposed to be eaten from: The tree of Life and the tree of Knowledge.

The Bible says that the Serpent was a mischievous creature, who led the woman to desire the fruit God had said would make them die. The verb translated as "to die", for the ancients may have just meant to be "cut off from the presence of God", what Christians call: The spiritual death, and this is what happened... They got banished from the presence of God.

So, the woman ate of the forbidden fruit and she then had the knowledge, she knew... In the Bible, "to know" is not only intellectual, it also means: "to experience, to master". With her eyes now open, she could have done anything. The man ate of the fruit too, as the woman invited him to. The fate of Mankind was sealed. One single rule existed at that time. Mankind broke it and strained their entire world.

The evening came, God walked in the garden, Mankind and God living in the same place, Mankind being in the presence of God. Later, no-one would be able to be in God's presence, for his glory would kill them. At the time, the humans were still "little less than the gods".

It is interesting to see that God is not some shapeless spirit, but an actual, if glorified, being: He walks, and he talks to the couple who also heard him walking in the garden, not to forget that God created Mankind in his own resemblance. What's more, Jesus will say that whoever sees him, also sees what his God is like.

God punished the serpent, the man and the woman:

The serpent would crawl from now on. It was interesting to see some article in the newspaper last month: Scientists had "discovered" that snakes used to have legs. I thought to myself that "I always knew that, thank you very much for this discovery anyway". God also said that the woman's descendants will be the Serpent's enemies: "You will bite his heel and he will bruise your head". Christian texts would then recognize the woman's descendant(s) to be Jesus, who bruised the Serpent's head -Satan's kingdom-, after it bit men's heels -causing death to come to their bodies and the world.

The woman would suffer when giving birth, meaning that the easiness of life was now lost. The woman did not open some Pandora's box, the couple just paid the price for this specific mistake, nothing more. Same thing for the man, the easiness of life was now lost for him too, he would need to "till the land that will bring forth weeds and thistles". Curiously enough, the man was not directly punished: It was the Earth that became cursed instead!

God proceeded to banish mankind from his presence, so they won't "eat of the tree of Life and live forever to become like the gods". God shows that he still cares when he gives them clothing. The couple had covered their nudity with some leaves after eating of the fruit but God supplied them with something more appropriate. God still cared when mankind parted from God's presence and ventured into unknown territory...

The "Fall of Man" is allegory for the division of the cell.

This is shown by Eve splitting from Adam's side. It is coded histoy of life.
I like that you said that God still cared. The awesome thing in this story is that God does not punish them too harsh. He doesn't kill them like he said he would. He instead decided to curse them and clothe them. He cares alright. He still does. I thank him for that amazing Grace!

Anonymous is right about the grace of God allowing Adam & Eve to live, albeit not in the Garden of Eden. There were other times when mercy was not shown, where justice was sure and swift. Everything was and is done according to His plan! In the end, grace and mercy will be extended to His children, but only to those who believe and obey His commands! To the rest, justice will be sure, swift, and eternal!
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